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Stoke Prior Primary School

Successful and Proud.

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Oak Class Photos

Volcano pencil sketches focussing on skills of texture, tone, line, blend, soft and heavy.

Owl football and netball tournament

Some of Oak Class had a wonderful day at the Herefordshire Values Games. We won the award for Passion.

We had fun investigating reversible and irreversible changes in Science today.

Easter bonnets, vehicles entered in The Great Egg Race and Easter craft - a fun day!

In Science, we have been separating materials using filtration, evaporation, magnetic attraction and sieving.

We had a wonderful time at Lucton Cross Country today. We had 5 top 10 finishers including a first and second in the year 5 boys race. Everyone who participated finished - we are so proud of you all. It was very muddy and some even lost their shoes!

Experiencing a Victorian school lesson.

We’re having a fabulous time on our residential at Condover Hall.

Today we made clay fuel efficient stoves as part of our climate change and sustainability workshop.

We enjoyed a reading session with our families today.

HandsUP workshop exploring climate change and sustainability

Ready for the Valentine disco!

We’ve been learning about Victorian toys and comparing them to modern day toys. We made our own cup and ball games.

We’ve been investigating properties of materials. Today we were testing permeability of different materials.

Today we made Victoria Sponge cakes.

We made and tasted gruel today as part of our learning about the poor in Victorian times.

We have written arguments in English and today held a class debate. The motion was “Cats make better pets than dogs”. The debate was rather lively with some passionate speakers!

Cross Country training

What a lovely morning for the Daily Mile!

Winners of Leominster in Bloom competition

Party Day!

Christmas lunch today with our buddies.

Our dress rehearsal of The Twelve Days of Christmas went very well. We’re looking forward to performing to friends and family tomorrow.

We enjoyed choosing a new book from Father Christmas, as well as buying one or two extra too.

Santa Dash 2023

We had great fun making paper chains.

We have learnt about artefacts from Ancient Greece and have created wall hangings inspired by some of the patterns. We practised drawing the patterns, designed our own patterns on Greek vases, drew the patterns onto fabric vases and finally stitched them onto hessian.

Oak Class had a wonderful time sharing the non-fiction booklets they’ve created with Monkey Puzzle Class. They enjoyed sharing the booklets and talking about animals.

We dressed up to raise money for Children in Need.

We started a PE unit of Gymnastics today. It was fun!

Designing Christmas cards with PTFA

We won the cup at the Bromyard Rugby Club tournament!

Baking apple cakes with local home-grown apples.

Year 6 have successfully completed the Police STAR programme with PC Utley.

We enjoyed a reading morning with our families.

Learning about different types of governments in our studies of the Ancient Greeks

Trying to encourage our butterflies to leave for pastures new!

We were so fortunate to actually see three of our butterflies hatch. One more to go!

We’re enjoying watching the stages of a butterfly’s life cycle. It will be any day now that our butterflies hatch.

Writing play scripts of The Secret Garden

Drama workshop following Courtyard trip

Courtyard trip to see The Secret Garden. It was amazing!

Cooking and eating Greek yoghurt cake

Learning hockey skills in PE

Hampton Court Trip

Cooking and sampling Greek food

Enjoying reading with our reading buddies

Art inspired by our studies of the Ancient Greeks

Our Class Autumn 2023
