Learning in Maple Class
About our class
Welcome to our Class Page. Maple class is taught by Ms Searle, Monday to Thursday and Mr Lewis on a Friday.
Mrs Bufton works within the class all week. Miss Evans also works mornings in our class. That is the Maple Team!
PE is on a Thursday and this term it will be outside (footwear needed.) Please try and leave PE kits in school as they maybe needed at other times.
Forest school this term will begin on Wednesday 11th September and will finish on Wednesday 23rd October 2024.
Values Education. (We think about these values alongside our PSHE lessons and our assemblies)
September - Creativity
October - Cooperation
November - Flexibility
December - Gratefulness
See our topic plan to find out what we are studying across the curriculum this year.
We are following Twinkl Phonics to learn our sounds and develop a range of reading skills and writing.
On a Monday children do their spelling quiz which reflects the sound they have been learning during the week.
Children have their home school phonics book (yellow) in their book bag that should contain their look cover write check sheet to help them practice their sounds.
Children should also usually get a mini-book on Thursdays that helps them consolidate their sounds and tricky words and develop their understanding.
Rhino Reader books will be changed weekly on a Wednesday. They will be given out in the second week of term. These books link into the phonics sounds that the children have been taught so that they can practice sounding and blending. They are designed to be read more than once so that the phonic sounds are consolidated.
This term in English the children will be looking at Fantasy Fiction, Farmyard Stories, Letters and Postcards, Classic Poems and Information texts about Pets.
In Maths we will be building on our learning from Year 1. We will be looking at place value. This will include:
- Counting and recognising up to 100 on number squares.
- Recognising the value of teen numbers and value of digits in 2 digit numbers.
- Placing numbers onto number lines and counting on and back from different numbers.
- Counting to 100 and knowing what one more and one less than a number is.
We will also look at addition and subtraction including:
- Adding with money and coins.
- Adding by counting in 1s or 10s
- Developing understanding of + and - through counting on and back.
We will be learning about division and multiplication.
- 2s, 5s and 10 times table.
- Division facts related to these.
- Counting in 3s.
- Using division with fractions
We will also be comparing and measuring weight and capacity.
We will also be developing a deeper understanding of fractions.